Physio-Control LIFEPAK 20e User Manual
Page 216
LIFEPAK 20e Defibrillator/Monitor Operating Instructions
Monitoring procedure 3-12
Pulse Oximeter sensors 3-13
SpO2 Connector
Connecting a cable 3-12
Location of 2-7
Standard Paddles
Features 5-7
Placement 3-4, 4-3
User Test 7-4
Status messages (screen) 2-10
Sterilizable Internal Defibrillation
Sternum paddle 3-4
Supplies, accessories, and training
SYNC Control, location of 2-5
Synchronized Cardioversion 4-3
Procedure 4-18
Troubleshooting tips 4-22
Auto 7-3
Checklist D-1
Schedule 7-2
User 7-4
Defibrillation 4-3
Electrode and standard paddle
Noninvasive pacing 4-3
Synchronized cardioversion 4-3
Therapy cable
Connecting 2-8
Disconnecting 2-8
Therapy Connector
Connecting electrodes to 4-16,
Location of 2-7
Message if no connection 4-9
Time (screen) 2-10
Training Tools 7-13
Transmit connections,
Archived patient reports 6-9
Overview of connections 6-12
Troubleshooting tips
Defibrillation and synchronized
ECG monitoring 3-7
EtCO2 monitoring 3-22
General 7-10
Noninvasive pacing 4-27
SpO2 3-14
Unpacking and inspecting 2-2
User Controls 2-6
VF/VT Alarm
On screen 2-10
Turning on and off 2-18
Warranty 7-12
Channel (screen) 2-10, 2-11
Channel areas 2-12
CPSS event 6-6
Events 6-4
Events, examples of 6-6
SAS event 6-6
Selecting channels 2-12
Shock report 6-6