Creating and using query strings, Query string command types and syntax, Host vs. remote commands – Extron Electronics IPL 250 Reference Manual User Manual

Page 85: Command syntax, Creating and using query strings -5, Query string command types and syntax -5, Host vs. remote commands -5 command syntax -5

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IPL 250 • Special Applications

via Telnet or HyperTerminal or DataViewer

• a Web browser by sending a Post command on port 80 followed by the delimited

data in the .shtml file

Creating and using query strings

A query string is a command that contains parameters or instructions for the Web

server (the IPL 250) to execute. The query string is contained after the question

mark within a reference URL (Web address). (See the syntax section below.)
When a link is accessed on a Web page, the URL is sent to the Web server (IPL)

to tell it which Web page to return to the browser. Upon receiving the URL, the

IPL 250’s internal Web server locates the query string within the URL and executes

the command it contains.

Query string command types and syntax

Host vs. remote commands

As with SSI formatted commands, query strings can use any valid SIS command of

either type (host or remote).
Host commands instruct the IPL 250, itself, to act or respond.
Remote commands send data to an external control port on the IPL 250.

Command syntax

The basic format for a query string within a link is as follows:

x”>linked text where x is the SIS command

to be executed.


Syntax for a URL Containing a Query String



SIS command

to be executed by the

IPL (Web server)

(typed with no spaces)


reference (link)


End of link


Indicator that

a command


Link text

(text that appears

on the Web page for

the user to click on)


” indicates the start

of the query string.

Text between the quotation marks is typed with no spaces.