Ssi command types and syntax, Host vs. remote commands, Command syntax – Extron Electronics IPL 250 Reference Manual User Manual

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IPL 250 • Special Applications

SSI command types and syntax

Host vs. remote commands

SIS commands for IPLs and other IP Link-enabled devices fall into two categories:

host or remote.
Host commands instruct the IPL 250, itself, to act or respond.
Remote commands send data to an external control port on the IPL 250.

Command syntax

Basic syntax for server side includes is as follows:


• “directive” is an instruction to the server such as

include file (to include/

insert the content of one document into another file) or

echo var (to display

a particular HTTP variable)

• the variable (

x) is one or more SIS commands enclosed in quotation marks


For IP Link-enabled devices including the IPL 250, see the following examples of

the basic SSI command format.

Server Side Include (SSI) Syntax for a Host SIS Command

SIS command to be

executed by the IPL

(must be typed without spaces)

Request unit’s part number.

Request system

memory usage.

View date

and time.

W is the Web-encoded
substitute for the




Quotation marks are delimiters.

The results of the echo
command are displayed in
the IPL’s Web page(s) or
in the event-triggered

HTML echo



Do not use spaces between SIS commands. Do use Web encoding. See

“Entering SIS commands: helpful tips “

in chapter 4 for details about how to

encode SIS commands for Web use.