Net Optics iBypass HD User Manual
Page 40
iBypass HD
Configuring AAA servers
Below are examples for configuring RADIUS and TACACS+ servers.
To set the privilege level to 2 for the user account raduser on an Open RADIUS server:
1. Locate the RADIUS configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/users.
2. Add the line Class = 2 to the file for user account raduser.
After editing, the raduser account in the file should look similar to this:
Cleartext-Password := "raduser"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Class = 2,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =,
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen,
Framed-Map-Id = "std.ppp",
Framed-MTU = 1500,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
To set the privilege level to 1 for the user account tacuser on a TACACS+ (tacacs+-F4.0.4.18) server:
1. Locate the TACACS+ configuration file tac_plus.conf.
2. Add the line Priv-Lvl = 1 to the file for user account tacuser.
After editing, the tacuser account in the file should look similar to this:
key = netoptics
user = tacuser {
login = cleartext tacuser
service = ppp protocol = ip {
priv-lvl = 1