SENA PS210W User Manual
Page 62

Baud rate
The valid baud rate for the Pro Series is as follows:
75, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and
The factory default setting is 9600.
Data bits
Data bits can be between 7 bits and 8 bits. The factory default setting is 8 bits.
Parity can be none, even or odd. The factory default setting is none.
Stop bits
Stop bits can be between 1 bit and 2 bits. The factory default setting is 1 bit.
Flow control
The factory default setting of the flow control is None. Software Flow Control using XON/XOFF
and hardware flow control using RTS/CTS are supported by the Pro Series.
Software flow control method controls data communication flow by sending special characters
XON/XOFF (0x11/0x13) between two connected devices. And hardware flow control method
controls data communication flow by sending signals back and forth between two connected
Note :
Flow control is supported only in RS232 and RS422 mode. RS485 mode does not support any
kind of flow control method.
DTR/DSR behavior
Purpose of the DTR/DSR pin is to emulate modem signal control or to control TCP connection
state by using serial port signal. The DTR is a write-only output signal, whereas the DSR is a
read-only input signal in the Pro Series.
The DTR option can be set to one of three types: always high, always low or high when TCP/UDP
is opened. If the DTR behavior is set to high when TCP/UDP is opened, the state of the DTR pin
will be maintained high if the TCP/UDP connection is established.
The DSR input behavior can be set to one of two types: none or allow TCP/UDP connection only
by high. If user sets the DSR input behavior as Allow TCP/UDP connection only by HIGH, TCP
connection to remote host from Pro Series is made only when the DSR status is changed from
low to high. And TCP connection to remote host is disconnected when the DSR status is changed
from high to low. And also Pro Series accepts TCP connection from the remote host only when