5 reset/reboot/quit – SENA Parani-MSP100 User Manual

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Configurable ranges:

Baud rate

1200 ~ 115200 bps

Character size

8, 7, 6, 5 bits

Parity Check

None / Even / Odd

Stop Bit

1 bit or 2 bits

Flow Control

Hardware (RTS/CTS),

Software (XOn/Off),


For applying changed configuration, please RESUPPLY the power, and then Parani-MSP100 will start
to operate as RS232 mode.

Advice: If you need to do data communication via RS232 port, you do not need

to configure Network settings.

3.5 Reset/Reboot/Quit

Entering no. 5, Parani-MSP100 RESET, in the main menu, restores all factory Default value settings.
REBOOT restarts Parani-MSP100 for new configuration application.
QUIT instantly aborts current processing.