Powersolve SM800 Series User Manual
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May 2013
In su la tion
in put / out put
creepage / clear ance
in put / case
out put / case
3750 Vrms (1 min.)
8 mm
2500 Vrms
600 V DC
EN 60950 / EN 61010
Power Sup ply Stan dard
Ge neric Emis sion
Ge neric Im mu nity
EN 61204-3,
Emis sion: res i den tial, light in dus trial en vi ron ment (CISPR22-Class
Im mu nity: in dus trial en vi ron ment
EN 61000-6-3, res i den tial, light in dus trial en vi ron ment (EN 55022
EN 61000-6-2, in dus trial en vi ron ment
Op er at ing Tem per a ture at full load
− 20 to + 50 °C
de rate out put to 75% at 60 °C
Hu mid ity
max. 95% RH, non con dens ing, up to 40 °C
max. 75% RH, non con dens ing, up to 50 °C
Stor age tem per a ture
− 40 to + 85 °C
Ther mal pro tec tion
Out put shuts down in case of in suf fi cient cool ing
500 000 hrs
Hold-Up time
= 100%,
<= 840 W
= 85%,
= 100%
= 100%,
= 50%
@ 230 V AC in put
16 ms
20 ms
36 ms
(time till DC-fail = 1)
Turn on de lay
af ter mains switch on
600 ms @ 230 V AC, 900 ms @ 115 V AC
In rush cur rent
24 A@115 V AC, 22 A@230 V AC
Se ries op er a tion
max. to tal volt age
Mas ter / Slave op er a tion
600 V
Par al lel op er a tion
max. to tal cur rent
Mas ter / Slave op er a tion
no limit
max. 4 units (in clud ing mas ter)
Re mote sens ing
max. volt. drop per load lead
2 V
Lim its Volt age
ad just range
Cur rent
ad just range
0 - 102%
0 - 102%
Po ten ti om eters & Encoders
front panel con trol with knobs
res o lu tion
screw driver ad just ment
dig i tal encoders
stan dard
0.03 %
Option P001 (at front panel)
Option P236
SM 7.5-80
SM 18-50
SM 70-AR-24
SM 400-AR-4
Me ters
volt age
cur rent
ac cu racy read out put
read limit set ting
(d = digit)
3.5 digit
0 - 7.50 V
0 - 80.0 A
0.5% + 2 d
2% + 2 d
3.5 digit
0 - 18.00 V
0 - 50.0 A
0.5% + 2 d
2% + 2 d
3.5 digit
0 - 70.0 V
0 - 24.0 A
0.5% + 2 d
2% + 2 d
3.5 digit
0 - 400 V
0 - 4.00 A
0.5% + 2 d
2% + 2 d
Mount ing
Stack ing of units al lowed, air flow is from rear to the sides.
In put Con nec tor
IEC320/C14, EN 60320/C14
Out put Ter mi nals
M5 bolts
Pro gram ming con nec tor
15 pole D-con nec tor at rear panel (FE MALE)
Cool ing
au dio noise level
air flow
Low noise blower, fan speed adapts to tem per a ture of in ter nal heatsink.
ca. 45 dBA at full load, 25 °C am bi ent tem per a ture, 1 m dis tance
ca. 50 dBA at full load, 50 °C am bi ent tem per a ture, 1 m dis tance
from rear to sides
En clo sure
de gree of pro tec tion
Di men sions
be hind front panel: h x w x d
front panel: h x w
86 x 221 x 406 mm (feet re moved)
88.1 x 222 mm (1/2 19", 2 U)
5.4 kg