Typ i cal ap pli ca tions, Avail able op tions high speed pro gram ming, Two-quad rant out put: power sink – Powersolve SM800 Series User Manual

Page 5: Sequencer, High volt age isolation, Se cured volt age and cur rent set ting, Soft ware con trol and in ter faces, Dig i tal volt age and current set ting, Front power out put, 19" rack mount ing adapter

Typ i cal ap pli ca tions, Avail able op tions high speed pro gram ming, Two-quad rant out put: power sink | Sequencer, High volt age isolation, Se cured volt age and cur rent set ting, Soft ware con trol and in ter faces, Dig i tal volt age and current set ting, Front power out put, 19" rack mount ing adapter | Powersolve SM800 Series User Manual | Page 5 / 6 Typ i cal ap pli ca tions, Avail able op tions high speed pro gram ming, Two-quad rant out put: power sink | Sequencer, High volt age isolation, Se cured volt age and cur rent set ting, Soft ware con trol and in ter faces, Dig i tal volt age and current set ting, Front power out put, 19" rack mount ing adapter | Powersolve SM800 Series User Manual | Page 5 / 6