Powersolve HSEUIreg07201 Series User Manual

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Powersolve Electronics Ltd., Unit 8A Arnhem Road, Newbury RG14 5RU, United Kingdom
Tel 0044 (0)1635 521858 Fax 0044 (0)1635 523771

[email protected]

p.4/9 05.12D

(Subject to alterations. This product is not designed to be used in applications such as life support systems wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death)

1) Active Transient Filter 2) Rectifier 3) Inrush Current Limiter 4) Load Capacitor 5) Power Transformer 6) Storage Choke

Lighting: CV = constant voltage operation CC = constant current operation SD = shutdown operation OT = temperature failure >70°C

Technical Description
The HSEUIreg-Series is a programmable switch mode power supply. Engineered and manufactured in by CAMTEC in Germany, it is
designed for challenging applications like railway, drives, test-stands and machine-building. The HSEUIreg provides a low Ripple-Noise, good
Load- Regulation and high efficiency >90% (typ. @ 230Vac). High-end long life capacitors guarantee Hold-up-Time and extended lifetime of
the power supply. Our HSEUIreg-design starts complex loads easily. The internal control manages illegal operating conditions to prevent your
system from failures. An operation failures recording is on board via galvanic insulated relay connection (page 2 table). All HSEUIreg power
supplies are idling-proof and short circuit protected. Supply units of the same type and output voltage feature parallel or series operation.
The HSEUIreg also features active high input transients with suppressor diodes, X2-capacitors and varistors. The design rules set value on
extended interference immunity and safety. The PSU is engineered in accordance to EN60950-1 and EMC-compatibility to EN55022 class B.



Peak inrush current

13.8A peak

Effektive inrush current



Inrush duration (tinr)


Over all power-up time


Inrush Current Limiter Block Diagram