Grain Systems Bin Accessories PNEG-318 User Manual

Page 84

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PNEG-318 Concrete Foundation Recommendations for GSI Grain Bins

13. T-Cap Foundation 2.66" Outside Stiffened Commercial Tanks

T-Cap Foundation Notes:

1. The foundation design is based on a minimum allowable soil bearing capacity as specified on each

chart. Bearing capacity of the soils should be determined by geotechnical investigation and be of
uniform bearing capacity.

2. The foundation site must be free of vegetation and debris and well drained.

3. The foundation must be founded below the frost line or constructed on non-expansive frost free fill.

4. All material used for backfill inside the ring wall should be clean, well graded, crushed rock or a

sand-gravel mixture. Backfill should be placed in 6" lifts, 95% compaction.

5. All reinforcement must meet the requirements of ASTM A615 grade 60 deformed bars.

6. Lap all circumferential bars 35 bar diameters and stagger all laps in plans 3'-0". Estimates do not

include end laps.

7. Concrete must have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 PSI at 28 days, 6%-8% air

entrainment, 4" slump.

Figure 13A

All foundation specifications shall be construed as
recommendations only. Because of the many
variable conditions in actual installation, GSI
assumes no liability for results arising from the use
of such recommendations.