Graphics spd up, Page format, Reset cmd cfg ld – Printronix N7000 H-Series Cartridge Ribbon Printer User Manual
Page 115: Error handling
Epson FX Emulation
Vertical Expnd
This parameter allows you to specify dot character vertical expansion for both
ASCII and DBCS characters in DBCS mode.
This parameter is not available for Hanzi GB printers with OKI
Graphics Spd Up
This menu is used to increase (speed up) graphic printing speed by turning on
the Enhanced/Turbo/Match Typeface mode.
(the default). The printer prints at the given input graphics
. The printer provides first-level speed up, which means the
speed is faster than Normal mode.
. The printer provides second-level speed up, which means the
speed is faster than Enhanced mode.
Match Typeface
. The input 180x180 dpi graphics resolution will drop-dot
to the resolution which matches the typeface selected.
Page Format
See page 89 for menu definitions.
Reset Cmd CFG Ld
When the printer receives a host data stream reset command (ESC @ for
LQ1600K selected and DLE B for OKI selected) in addition to resetting printer
variables, the power-up configuration will be loaded.
(the default). The active emulation parameters are loaded when
the reset command is executed.
Power-Up Config
. The power-up configuration is loaded when the reset
command is executed.
Current Config
. The currently selected configuration is loaded when the
reset command is executed.
Factory Config
. The factory installed configuration is loaded when the
reset command is executed.
Error Handling
This command determines the way illegal DBCS characters are processed:
(the default). Will ignore illegal DBCS characters.
As Space
. Will insert two space characters (0X20, 0X20) when the data
stream contains the illegal DBCS character.
As Square
. Will insert a black square (0xAIBD) when the data stream
contains the illegal DBCS character. This is applicable for the Hanzi Big5
build only.
This parameter is not available for Hanzi GB printers with OKI