3 saving and managing the configuration, Saving and managing the configuration, N 2.1.3 ‘saving and managing the – EVS EPSIO Version 1.63 - May 2011 User's Manual User Manual

Page 17: Configuration, E 11, Aving and, Anaging the, Onfiguration

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Epsio Version 1.63 – User’s Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – May 2011

Issue 1.63.C


2.1.3 S






The commands available in the File menu allow you to save and manage the

configuration you will perform. The configuration, which includes the camera

calibration and the chroma key definition, is saved in a configuration file that is

made up of two .xml files:

A file containing the playfield distances and all camera angle definitions.
This file is ‘name’.xml where is the name the user gives to the

configuration when it is saved for the first time.

A file containing the chroma key configuration.
This file is ‘name’.CK.

In the File menu, you have access to the following commands:




Use this command before you start a new calibration.
This creates a new empty configuration file that you can save

throughout the calibration process.


Use this command to point to and load an existing configuration file.


Use this command to save your calibration while you define it.
It is recommended to save the configuration after each calibration


Save As

Use this command if you want to save the open configuration file

into a new name, for backup purposes, or to start a new calibration

from an existing one.

The configurations are stored by default in the following location:

C : / P r o g r a m F i l e s / E V S B r o a d c a s t E q u i p m e n t


E p s i o / C o n f i g
