Output parameters, Output file format – EVS Xfile Version 2.14 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual
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XFile Version 2.14 – User Manual
EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011
Issue 2.14.B
The Time Range filter requires a start date and time, as well as an end date and
time, to be valid:
1. In the calendar, select the month with the left and right arrows, then the day
of the month.
2. In the Time field, select the hour using the up and down arrows to change
the value displayed or directly type the value when the field lights green.
3. Click OK to confirm your selection.
4. Enter the second selection window to enter the values for the end limit.
The Autobackup criterion is now active and only the clips created into the time
range will be backed up.
Output Parameters
Output File Format
The following setting makes it possible to choose the format in which the backup
files from the selection will be automatically generated.
The AutoBackup Output Parameters > File Format drop-down list allows the
user to select the default file format for the clips backed up with the autobackup
The following formats are available:
MXF OP1a (SD IMX only)
Quick Time Movie
Quick Time Reference
Avid Ingest Device
CleanEdit Reference
Avid MXF OPAtom