Accusys Acuta User Manual
Page 65

Appendix D – Updating Firmware
3. Launch HyperTerminal from the desktop of
the host computer (Start > Programs >
Accessories > Communications >
4. The
Connection Description dialog box
will appear (if this is the first time you have
run HyperTerminal, you will first be
prompted to enter information about your
location). Enter a name to identify the
ACUTA 4/4S connection (e.g. ACUTA
4/4S) and select an icon to represent the
connection. Press OK.
5. The Connect to dialog box appears.
Select COM1 or COM2 from the Connect
using: dropdown menu, depending on
which port is linked to ACUTA 4/4S. Click
6. The COM Properties dialog box will
appear. Set the following values:
Bits per second: 19,200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
7. Click
OK. The HyperTerminal connection
to ACUTA 4/4S is now established.