Accusys Acuta User Manual
Page 19

Chapter 2 – Before you begin
RAID 0+1
RAID 0+1 combines mirroring and striping functions on a minimum of four hard disks.
Mirroring provides full redundancy and protects data in case of multiple drive failure (providing
that data on one of each mirrored pair of drives is intact).
RAID 0+1: Combination of mirroring and striping
This configuration provides optimal speed and reliability.
Requires even number of disks (minimum 4 disks)
Storage capacity = 2 x capacity of smallest of disk
If installed four drives each are 40 GB, 50 GB, 60 GB and 70 GB, configured as
RAID 0+1, the RAID capacity will be 80 GB.
The diagram below represents the writing of data on a RAID 0+1 array composed of four
DISKS connected to the controller. The controller creates two matching RAID 0 arrays on four
Arrangement of data blocks saved on a Level 0+1 array
刪除: DISKs