Linux tcp/ip settings, Redhat, Linux tcp/ip settings on – Zoom 0335-A 27337 User Manual
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ADSL Bridge Modem User’s Guide
Close the TCP/IP Window. You will be asked if you want to
save the changes. Click Save.
Once you have specified the settings, you are ready to surf the
Web. Continue with Testing Your Internet Connection on
Linux TCP/IP Settings
The instructions for specifying TCP/IP settings vary dramatically
by distribution, so you may want to refer to your particular
version’s documentation. The instructions below are a general
guide and may not exactly match the instructions for your
particular Linux system.
Once you have verified the settings, you are ready to surf the Web.
Continue with Testing Your Internet Connection on page 9
If you have more than one network card installed, you will need to
pick distinct Ethernet identifiers for each (eth0, eth1, eth2, and so
forth). If you select an identifier other than eth0 for your ADSL
Bridge modem, use that identifier throughout.
Depending on what you want to do, specify the appropriate
TCP/IP settings as shown in the tables below.
Dynamic IP Addressing
Edit or create the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
so that it contains the following three lines: