Dive logbook [memlog – SUUNTO D9 User Manual

Page 83

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The surface interval must be at least 5 minutes for a dive to
be considered a repetitive dive. Otherwise, it is considered a
continuation of the same dive. The dive number will not chan-
ge and the dive time will continue where it left off (see also
section 6.5.2. “Dive Numbering”).


This instrument has a very sophisticated high capacity Log-
book and Profi le Memory. The data is recorded to the profi -
le memory based on the selected sampling rate. Dives shor-
ter than the recording interval are not registered (see chapter
5.2.5 Setting Sample Rate).

For each dive there are three pages of logbook dive informa-
tion. Use the SELECT button to scroll the display between
Logbook pages I, II, and III. The data of the most recent di-
ve is shown fi rst.

The END OF LOGS text is displayed between the oldest and
most recent dive. (Fig. 7.7.)

Fig. 7.4 Logbook, page I.
Scroll different pages of
specifi c dive.

Fig. 7.5. Logbook, page II.
Main dive related data.