SUUNTO D9 User Manual
Page 44

compression model. The Suunto RGBM calculation model
responds to this by adding a Mandatory Safety Stop to the di-
ve. The time of this Mandatory Safety Stop will depend on the
severity of the ascent rate excess.
The STOP sign will appear in the display and when you reach
the depth zone between 6 m to 3 m [20 ft to 10] also the CEI-
LING label, ceiling depth and the calculated Safety Stop ti-
me appear in the display. You should wait until the Mandatory
Safety Stop warning disappears (Fig. 6.8.). The total length of
the Mandatory Safety Stop time depends on the seriousness
of the ascent rate violation.
You must not ascend shallower than 3 m [10 ft] with the Man-
datory Safety Stop warning on. If you ascend above the Man-
datory Safety Stop ceiling, a downward pointing arrow will ap-
pear and a continuous beeping starts (Fig. 6.13.). You should
immediately descend to, or below, the Mandatory Safety Stop
ceiling depth. If you correct this situation at any time during
that dive, there are no affects on the decompression calcula-
tions for future dives.
If you continue to violate the Mandatory Safety Stop, the tis-
sue calculation model is affected and the dive computer shor-
tens the available no-decompression time for your next dive.
Fig. 5.13. Setting primary gas
mix (MIX1). Oxygen percen-
tage is 32%, oxygen partial
pressure limit is 1.4 bar. The
equivalent maximum depth is
displayed as 32.4 m [106 ft].
Press scroll buttons to chan-
ge oxygen percentage and to
set oxygen partial setting va-
lue. Accept settings by pres-
sing SELECT.