6 using viewrtu, 1 overview – Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series User Manual

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8315 TGI

Using ViewRTU

Varec, Inc.



Using ViewRTU

By using ViewRTU, the user is able to define or modify sub-programs called Software Blocks.

Software blocks are used to configure the Tank Gate Interface.

Note Refer to the Tank Gate Interface Software Blocks chapter for specific examples. The

chapter provides a description of the parameters for each point as well as examples of the

connections to other points.

Tank Gate Interface software blocks are functions that the user can configure to perform various

tasks. Software Blocks are available to scan data from a slave device, control a pump, serve data

to other Host systems or perform calculations. Each function type contains both the code and

data necessary to perform the function. Software Blocks are identified by their type (example:

AI, DI, LJ2000 and PUMP). Points are individual instances of software blocks. Each point must be

added and then configured. Adding a point makes the point available for configuration. All

defined points appear in both the Point Icon Selection area and the Spreadsheet Summary in the

main window.

Configuring the point involves entering configuration parameters. In some cases, connections

to other points are required in order to perform a task. Creating connections involves setting

references to allow data to be transferred between points.



An outline of the section is listed below:

Configuring Single Points

This section describes the method used to configure individual points including:

Adding a Point

This section describes how to define a point from the Main window.

Entering Point Data

This section describes how to enter the point’s parameters. Parameters are entered from

the Edit Point Window.

Modifying Strap Tables

This section describes how to modify strap tables in ViewRTU.

Configuring Multiple Points

This section describes the spreadsheet mode. The principles involved in point configuration are

the same, but the methods are slightly different.

Adding Multiple Points

This section describes how to define a point from either the Main window or the

Spreadsheet Mode window.

Entering Point Data

This section describes how to enter a point’s parameters. Parameters are entered from the

Spreadsheet Mode window.

Creating and Editing Connections

This section describes how to create connections between various points. Points may be used

to retrieve and/or deliver data from other points.