Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series User Manual
Installa tion and oper ations manual, 8315 tank gate interface

Automation Solutions for oil & gas, defense and aviation applications
tion and Oper
ations Manual
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8315 Tank Gate Interface
The 8315 scans up to 50 L&J tank gauges or
transmitters (on a single channel) via L&J
Technologies® Tankway protocol
DVR Firmware Version: LJGT1_11
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- 1 Overview
- 2 Hardware
- 3 8215 L&J Tankway Communications Interface Module
- 4 Software Description
- 5 L&J Tankway Software Blocks
- 6 Installation
- 7 Using ViewRTU
- 8 Troubleshooting
- A Appendix - Order Codes