5 the options menu – Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series User Manual
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8315 TGI
Using ViewRTU
Varec, Inc.
The Options Menu
Figure 7-19:The Options Menu
Convert Configuration Files
The Convert Configuration Files option is used once the Download Firmware option has been
executed. This option converts configuration files from one version to another. When selected,
the following dialog box appears.
Figure 7-20:Convert ViewRTU versions dialog
Convert ViewRTU versions dialog
This dialog box allows the user to convert a file. The user has the option of first analyzing the
effects of converting the file. A script file can also be selected to alter the behavior of the
conversion. Script files are provided on the upgrade disk.
Export All
The Export All option allows the user to export all of the database in the Tank Gate Interface.
Each point type is exported to a file in the CSV file format. For example, the Analog Input points
are all exported to the file ‘AI.CSV’. This means that the user can not specify each file name as
the data is exported. The user does have the ability to specify the directory to export the data
to. The user must create and then select the subdirectory for the export operation. We suggest