Routing setup checklist – Vista Imaging Vista Routing User Manual

Page 90

background image

Appendix B: Using MAG_Decompressor

Routing User Guide

2005-04-19 16:59:01 S T A R T E D Directory-Watch/Decompression Service over
2005-04-19 17:01:10 C:\test_img_cache\MAG_EyeClot.J2K Status -> SUCCESS (0)
2005-04-19 17:01:11 C:\test_img_cache\MAG_Skull.J2K Status -> SUCCESS (0)
2005-04-19 17:01:19 C:\test_img_cache\MAG_Spine.J2K Status -> SUCCESS (0)
2005-04-20 13:32:59 C:\test_img_cache\MAG_Spine.J2K Status -> OutFile Already Exists, InFile
2005-04-21 13:34:32 S T O P P E D Directory-Watch/Decompression Service over
C:\test_img_cache\ (status=ok)

Selected log file error codes:

1..999 Aware JPEG2000 library errors

1000... Application errors:

2006: EIFILEREMOVE-- input file remove error (access violation)
3000: EOFILEEXISTS-- output file already exists
3001: EOFILEOPEN-- error while opening the output file
3003: EOFILEWRITE-- problem attempting to write the data to the output file
3004: EOFILERENAME-- error while renaming output file from .tmp to .

VistA Imaging V. 3.0, Patch 18

April 2006