Routing overview, Routing explained, Routing o – Vista Imaging Vista Routing User Manual
Page 9

Routing Overview
This chapter explains how routing functions within the VistA Imaging system. It covers
the following topics:
Routing Explained
In VistA Imaging, routing is the combination of methods and software used to identify
and transmit exams produced at one site to a storage location at another site.
Routing takes two forms: autorouting, and on-demand routing.
In autorouting, automatically selected images are transmitted to one or more
destinations. Images are selected based on a predefined set of routing rules.
Autorouting functions are managed using the Routing Gateway.
In on-demand routing, manually selected exams are transmitted to one or more
destinations. Exams are selected using the VistARad diagnostic workstation and are
transmitted by the Routing Gateway.
Destinations of routed images fall into two broad groups. Imaging destinations are
defined to support remote reading using a VistARad workstation. Images sent to these
destinations are in VistA Imaging’s internal file format. DICOM destinations are defined
to support transmission of DICOM images to a Storage SCP (Service Class Provider),
such as a film printer or an external PACS.
A properly implemented routing system can streamline a site’s imaging workflow.
Scenarios where routing can be used include:
Workload sharing between institutions or service providers
Rapid access of exams at remote clinics or other facilities
Remote specialist interpretation or consultation
Off-hours, holiday, or emergency services
Off-site contract radiology services for primary interpretation
April 2006
VistA Imaging V. 3.0, Patch 18