Toshiba G7 User Manual
Page 73

G7 ASD Multi-Protocol Communication Option and PG Feedback Option Manual
This attribute value is retained in the Multicom board’s nonvolatile EEPROM, but is not used in any
way for drive control (i.e. it is for user reference only).
This attribute indirectly maps to ASD parameter number F600 “
Electronic Thermal Protection #1”
(found in the Motor Parameters Group). This mapping is “indirect” due to parameter F600 being
default set in units of % rated drive current. Therefore, when the RatedCurrent attribute is changed with
a SET service, the drive’s rated current is used as a basis to determine the corresponding percentage
value to enter into ASD parameter F600.
For example, if the ASD has a rated current of 5.0A (represented as 50 in 100mA units), and the
attached motor has a FLA rated current of 3.5A, then SETting the RatedCurrent attribute to 35 (3.5A
represented with its designated 100mA units) will cause parameter F600 to obtain a value of (35/50) x
100% = 70%.
Note that parameter F600 is only read by the Multicom interface upon drive initialization and as the
result of a DeviceNet SET service. Therefore, be sure to reset the drive whenever parameter F600 is
changed locally via the LCD EOI to validate the new setting.
This attribute directly maps to ASD parameter number F306 “
#1 Max Output Voltage” (found in the
Motor Parameters Group). Note that parameter F306 is only read by the Multicom interface upon drive
initialization and as the result of a DeviceNet SET service. Therefore, be sure to reset the drive
whenever parameter F306 is changed locally via the LCD EOI to validate the new setting.
This attribute directly maps to ASD parameter number F411 “
Number of Motor Poles” (found in the
Motor Parameters Group). Note that parameter F411 is only read by the Multicom interface upon drive
initialization and as the result of a DeviceNet SET service. Therefore, be sure to reset the drive
whenever parameter F411 is changed locally via the LCD EOI to validate the new setting.