Blackberry 7100I User Manual

Page 154

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User Guide

out-of-office reply

about, 22
setting, 22
turning off automatically, 22

owner information, setting

, 93


pairings, Bluetooth

, 71

panning images

, 50

password keeper

about, 91
criteria for generating random passwords, 140
options, 140


changing password keeper password, 92
copying, 92
creating random, 92
criteria for random passwords, 140
deleting in password keeper, 92
displaying in password keeper, 140
editing in password keeper, 92
preventing copying, 139
storing, 91
viewing in password keeper, 92
See also device password

pasting text

, 43


about, 57
adding, 57

personal folders, reconciling with

, 124

personal identification number, See PIN

A-GPS support, 12
alternate between calls, 14
assigning speed dial, 14
Bluetooth, 72
call waiting, 16
calling corporations, 16
checking voice mail, 13
dialing using letters, 14
finding number, 11
forwarding calls, 15
frequently asked questions, 107
hiding phone number, 108
location-based services, 12
setting default country and area codes, 16
shortcuts, 17

smart dialing, 16
TTY, 17
using other programs, 14
using speed dial, 13
using when device is locked, 107
voice mail, 16
volume, 13
See also calls

phone book, See address book; contacts
phone calls, See calls
pictures, navigating

, 50

PIN code, changing for SIM card security

, 88

PIN messages

about, 25
adding contacts, 20
changing, 20
deleting, 25
forwarding, 25
frequently asked questions, 109
opening, 19
replying, 25
resending, 20
resending automatically, 20
saving, 25
sending, 25
setting as high priority, 112
viewing longer subject line, 112
See also messages

PIN, finding

, 25


about, 83
turning off, 83
turning off automatically, 83
turning on automatically, 83


MMS messages, 117
navigating, 37
viewing, 36

preventing, copying passwords

, 139

previewing ring tones

, 54

priority of messages, setting

, 20

privacy, location-based services

, 12

profile exceptions

about, 76
adding contacts to, 76
changing contacts, 76
creating, 76