Chapter 1 generating functions with the ni 5401, About your ni 5401, About your ni 5401 -1 – National Instruments PXI NI 5401 User Manual

Page 8: Generating functions with the ni 5401

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National Instruments Corporation


NI 5401 User Manual


Generating Functions
with the NI 5401

The NI 5401 User Manual describes the features, functions, and operation
of the NI 5401 arbitrary function generator. This device performs
comparably to standalone instruments while providing the flexibility of
computer-based operation.

About Your NI 5401

Thank you for buying a National Instruments NI 5401 arbitrary function
generator. The NI 5401 family consists of two different devices:

NI 5401 for PCI

NI 5401 for PXI

Your NI 5401 device has the following features:

One 12-bit resolution output channel

Up to 16 MHz sine and transistor-transistor logic (TTL) waveform

Software-selectable output impedances of 50

and 75

Output attenuation levels from 0 to 73 dB

Phase-locked loop (PLL) synchronization to external clocks

Sampling rate of 40 MS/s

Digital and analog filter

32-bit direct digital synthesis (DDS) for standard function generation

External trigger input

Real-Time System Integration (RTSI) and PXI triggers

All NI 5401 devices follow industry-standard Plug and Play specifications
on both buses and offer seamless integration with compliant systems.

Detailed specifications for the NI 5401 are in Appendix A,

