Using voicemail, Setting up voicemail, Voicemail notification – Palm TREOTM 650 User Manual

Page 47: Retrieving voicemail messages

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Using voicemail :: 45

Using voicemail

Setting up voicemail

1. Make sure your phone is turned on (see “Turning

your phone on and off” on page 15).

2. Press Phone/Send


3. Use the 5-way navigator to access Favorites.
4. Select the Voicemail favorite button.

Your Treo connects to your wireless service

provider’s automated voicemail system. If Treo is unable
to connect, contact your wireless service provider for

Voicemail notification

When you have a new voicemail message, you are
notified with an Alert screen. The Alert screen reappears
every five minutes until you respond to it. A Voicemail


may also appear at the top of your screen

(this feature is not supported by all mobile networks).

Retrieving voicemail messages

1. Press Phone/Send


2. From the Phone application Main View, Dial Pad, or Favorites, press and hold 1 on

the keyboard. Treo dials your wireless service provider’s voicemail system.

3. Enter your voicemail password using the Treo keyboard, or select Extra Digits if

you defined this option (see “Editing or deleting an existing favorite button” on
page 55 for inform
ation on editing favorite buttons). Remember, you do not need
to press Option to enter numbers, *, or # while on an active call.

If a Voicemail icon appears
in the title bar at the top of
the screen, you can tap this
icon to retrieve your

If you have multiple alerts,
the Alert screen displays
all your pending alerts.
Select an item’s
description to jump to that
item, or check the box to
clear that item. To view all
your pending alerts from
any screen on your phone,
press and hold Center. Page 45 Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:58 AM