Index :: 201
recharging handset 40
recording time (actual) 92
redialing phone 16, 43
applications 134
songs from playlists 120
repeating events, displaying 108
replacing battery 170
replying to messages with VersaMail 69
required items to set up Treo 650 6
resetting 168
resolution of photos and videos 91, 185
resolution pick list 91, 92
retrieving voicemail 45
reverse type 22
adjusting volume 143
silencing 44
ringer switch
setting 146
caller ID 145
selecting 142
VersaMail 67
safe reset 168
Save as Wallpaper command 95
phone numbers 48
photos 91
videos 92
scientific calculator 124
adding photos as background 107
aligning 148
brightness 147
font, changing 147
moving around 20
problems with, solving 171
waking up 15
scrolling through screens 20
SD expansion cards
and warranty 7
using 136
SDIO (Secure Digital input/output) cards 136
searching 125
secure sites
in Web browser 89
problems accessing 184
security features 154–160
security password 159
alert volume 143
items 22
menu features 23
music 118
ringtones and alerts 142
wallpaper for Phone application 145
applications over Bluetooth® 61
information over Bluetooth® 60
multimedia messages 76
photos 94
text messages 75
videos 94
date and time 121
vibrate 143
setting up
VersaMail 62
VersaMail account on computer 63
VersaMail account on phone 65
voicemail 45
settings, messaging 81
signal strength display 39
silencing ringer 44
SIM (subscriber identity module) card
inserting and using 14
required 6
SIM Phonebook, viewing 102
slide shows, viewing 93
SMTP servers 65
soft reset 168
software, bonus 7
Song Details command 118
songlists. See playlists
sound settings, system 146
sounds 113
Sounds icon 109, 142
headset 57
Treo 650 205
speed dial, creating favorite buttons 54
Start Time and End Time preference 108
stopping music play 119
storing MP3 files 115
switching accounts in VersaMail 71
switching from Bluetooth® headset to earpiece
and accented characters 25–27
entering from keyboard 25
discussed 33
preparing for 30
problems with, solving 175–179
software, installing 32
errors 187
password lock 156
profiles 30
requirements 30
resetting 168
system requirements 30
RowdyUG.book Page 201 Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:58 AM