200 :: Index
messages 76
playing or viewing 79
multimedia messaging. See messaging
MultiMediaCard 136
changing playlists for 120
details, viewing 118
files 115
formats 115
listening to 115
playing during call 44
playing on Treo 650 118
playlists 119–120
selecting 118
stopping 119
storing 115
transferring from CD 116
transferring from computer 115
volume, adjusting 143
naming devices 58
navigating screen 20
network connection, problems with 172–174
No Service message 16
notification of voicemail 45
number recently called, redialing 43
displaying as decimals 124
entering from keyboard 25
rounding 124
opening applications 28
operating systems 30
Option Lock 25
outgoing mail servers 65
overdue tasks 107, 112
overview of document 4
Owner Preferences 157
Palm OS features independent of wireless fea-
tures 15
password lock, system 156
pausing video recording and playback 92
pending alerts 39, 45, 78
personal computers
synchronizing with 33
transferring music from 115
adjusting call volume 17
advanced features 49–52
answering 44
before using 16
checking your phone number 17
hanging up 47
locking 154–160
redialing 16
settings, customizing 142–145
using 16
viewing minutes usage for 52
Phone application
accessing 38
Bluetooth® icon 39
email messages, unread 40
monitoring status of features 39–40
phone headset 56
Phone Lock 155
phone numbers
checking yours 17
pasting into Dial Pad View 41
saving 48
caller ID 144
deleting 95
naming groups of 96
on phone without camera 91
organizing 95
saving 91
selecting as backgrounds 107
sending 94
taking 91
thumbnails 107
VersaMail 67
viewing on computer 97
viewing on phone 93
pick lists 23
Picture size option 96
playing multimedia messages 79
creating 119
deleting songs from 120
reordering music on 120
selecting music from 118
POP protocol 64
POP servers 65
Post Office Protocol (POP) 64
power preferences 153
private entries 157–158
Quick Install icon 116, 133
RealOne Mobile Player 115
getting help with 116
icon 117, 118
calls 44
information over Bluetooth® 61
messages with VersaMail 68
messaging 78
RowdyUG.book Page 200 Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:58 AM