Paxar Gold 6037EX User Manual
Page 178
6-4 Programmer’s Manual
Reprinting Labels
To reprint labels, submit the following batch with pclWrite:
{B, format, U, quantity|}
format is the format number and quantity is the number
of labels to print.
P a u s i n g W h i l e P r i n t i n g
After submitting a packet that prints labels, an application
should pause until the printer becomes free. To check if the
printer is busy, the application calls pclStatus. By calling
pclStatus in a loop, the application pauses until the printer
The following code illustrates how to pause the application
using pclStatus.
while ((iStatus = pclStatus()) == 1);
See “pclStatus” in Chapter 4 for more information.
L o a d i n g M u l t i p l e P a c k e t s T o g e t h e r
The application can load multiple packets together after it
initializes the Print subsystem. You can create one or more text
files containing any number of packets, and then pass those file
names to pclOpen. The application must call pclOpen only
once per file.
If the packet file contains a format and a batch, the call to
pclOpen also prints labels.
SAMPLE4.C in the Samples sub-directory illustrates loading
multiple packets together.