General, The recoding mode, Useful information – Philips DVD Recorder/Hard Disk DVDR 725H/02 User Manual

Page 58: Recording on the hdd, 53 general

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As soon as you turn on the DVD recorder, the currently selected TV
channel on the DVD-Recorder is recorded in a temporary storage
(Time Shift Buffer).

Recordings in the Time Shift Buffer will be automatically deleted e.g.
after 3 hours if the period of the Time Shift Buffer is set to 3 hours
(factory setting). Only recordings marked in the Time Shift Buffer (red
bar in the Time Shift Buffer) will be stored on the the built-in HDD.
For more information, read the section 'The Time Shift Buffer'.

The following additional information is stored with each recording:


name of the recording
If no name is recognised from the GUIDE Plus+


systems data, only

the programme number (programme name) and the time will be
stored as the name.


length of the recording


recording mode (quality)


date of the recording


index picture of the recording


information to the recorded show taken from the GUIDE Plus+


This additional information can not be edited.

To facilitate the search of a specific position, a chapter marker is
recorded every 5 minutes. How you switch off this function you will
read in chapter 'User preferences/Settings I' in the section

The recoding mode

Recordings on the HDD will be carried out in an adjustable recording
quality, the so-called recording mode.
The higher the quality, the greater the HDD space required. The
recording quality is indicated as M1, M2, M2x, M3, M4, M6, and M8.
The maximum possible recording time on the HDD depends from the
recording mode and the average length of the recordings (titles).

M1': approx. 32 hours


M2': approx. 64 hours


M2x': approx. 80 hours


M3': approx. 96 hours


M4': approx. 128 hours


M6': approx. 192 hours


M8': approx. 250 hours

The maximum recording time for one title is 6 hours.
The maximum numbers of titles is 499.

The number (M1, M2,..) indicates the number of hours that will fit on a
single-layer, 4.7GB DVD+RW or DVD+R. This means that you can
store only 1 hour of 'M1' recordings on a DVD+RW, DVD+R, while 8
hours of 'M8' recordings will fit on the same disc.
This is particularly important when you want to copy recordings from
the HDD onto a DVD+RW, DVD+R. The quality of recordings on the
HDD cannot be changed at a later stage.

For example:
A 3-hour movie that was stored on the HDD in recording quality 'M1'
will not fit on a DVD+RW, DVD+R (M1=1 hour on a DVD+RW,
DVD+R). Only 1 hour of this movie can be copied onto a DVD+RW,
DVD+R. If you recorded the same movie in recording mode M3, the
entire movie would fit on a DVD+RW, DVD+R. (M3=3 hours on a

Useful information

When you switch on the DVD recorder, the currently selected TV
programme will be recorded in the Time Shift Buffer.
In order to store a recording on the HDD, you must mark it red in the
Time Shift Buffer (time bar) before the Time Shift Buffer is deleted.
To get full access to the edit functions of the title, you have to erase
the Time Shift Buffer.

Recording on the HDD

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