This is 14 point type – Printronix T5000R User Manual
Page 88

Appendix D
no operation
This command causes the printer not to process
anything, but instead, to proceed to the next command
Another term for a font, graphics, image, text, or a
combination of these.
An offset is a measurement indicating displacement. For
example, you can specify the logical page to rest in the
lower left hand corner of the physical page.
ordered printing
The printer behaves like a line printer: It begins printing
as soon as you send the data.
The degrees of rotation of a presentation space or a data
This is usually a form. It can contain text, graphics, an
image, and bar code data. You can also merge a page
segment into an overlay. The overlay can encompass the
entire logical page or a portion of it. The overlay has its
own environment, unlike a page segment.
overlay ID
The host assigns an ID to every overlay so that it can be
identified for particular commands, such as Begin
Overlay, Delete Overlay, Include Overlay, etc.
overlay state
This state permits overlay data to be downloaded and
See logical page and physical page.
page segment
Contains a font, image, text, or graphics and is merged
onto a logical page. A page segment has an ID and can
be stored for future use. It does not have its own
environment; instead, it uses the environment that it is
merged into. You can load a page segment into an
page segment state
This state allows page data to be loaded and produced.
parity (check)
Parity checking is the addition of non-data bits to data,
resulting in the number of 1 bits being either always even
or always odd. Parity is used to detect transmission
errors. Parity represents the value in the check digit of
the received or transmitted data.
physical page
The medium that the printer prints data on.
Derived from picture element. The smallest displayable
picture element on a video monitor or printable unit. In
printing, a pixel is a dot.
A unit of length in printing and typography, used to
specify type sizes, heights of font characters, etc. There
are 72 points in a vertical inch; thus, one point equals 1/
72 inch, or approximately 0.0138 inch. Some examples
of point sizes are:
This is 8 point type.
This manual is printed
in 10 point type.
This is 14 point type.