Palm TapWave Zodiac User Manual
Page 201

Using Your Zodiac Console 201
untimed events
defined 93
displaying 108
scheduling 92
setting silent alarms for 100
upgrades 13
uppercase letters 33
user accounts 18
user names 17
user profiles
creating 176
multiple consoles and 17
selecting 177
Users command 176
Utilities category 164
Version button 161
vertical orientation (screen) 23
vibrating alarms 143
videos 15
addresses 88
applications 24
appointments 103
calculations 122
categories 75
conflicting events 107
current date 69
Home screen 26
international keyboard 40
memos 112
menus 45
onscreen keyboard 39
photos 60
priorities 115
private records 81
visual alarms 157
adjusting 23
caution for 15
setting alarm 69
volume control 26
warm resets 180
Web browsers 139
web site (Tapwave) 147
Week view 103
Week view icon 103
weekly events 92
Welcome application 32
Windows system requirements 12
writing area. See Input Area
writing strokes
demo for 32
enabling alternate 131
guidelines for 33
special characters and 36
tips for 35
Zodiac console
adding expansion cards for 158
components described 19
configuring 125
connecting to 132
customizing 123
deleting applications from 163
installing applications for 147
locking/unlocking 151
maintaining 177
migrating to 174
overview 12
providing contact information for 87
resetting 152
running multiple 175
selecting user profiles for 177
setting idle timeout for 135
setting up 14
starting 16
supported file formats for 41
turning off 15
upgrading 13