Using the reminders list screen – Palm TapWave Zodiac User Manual

Page 156

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U s i n g t h e At t e n t i o n M a n a g e r

Insistent alarms

Using Your Zodiac Console 156




Using the Reminders list screen

Using the Reminders list screen

Using the Reminders list screen

Using the Reminders list screen

The Reminder screen changes to a Reminders list under two insistent alarm

When a second application attempts to get your attention and the first
has not been dismissed or snoozed.

When a first application makes a second attempt and the first has not
been dismissed or snoozed.

Each reminder lists the date and time of the alarm. Depending on the
application displaying the reminder, you may see an icon representing the
application, and up to two lines of text.

Tapping the text or icon jumps to that item and deletes the event from the
Reminders list screen.
Checking a box clears that item, similar to a To Do list item. The Attention
Manager draws a line through the text lines, pauses for a moment, and then
removes the item from the list, although the original data remains in the
The Reminders list screen displays three buttons that you can use to respond
to the items in the list:

Done. If the Reminders list appeared because of more than one
insistent alarm, tapping Done closes the Reminders list screen,

although the events remain in the application that created them. The

Reminders list screen does not appear again, unless you tap the

blinking alarm indicator in the Status Bar.