Palm TapWave Zodiac User Manual
Page 194

Using Your Zodiac Console 194
formatting expansion cards 165
freeing memory 51
front panel 19
Full-Screen mode 60
Function button 20
adjusting volume for 143
installing third-party 49
playing 66
General Preferences screen 130
gestures 38
Go to Date dialog box 96
Graffiti 2 area. See Input Area
Graffiti 2 demo 32
Graffiti 2 Help command 73
Graffiti 2 Help file 37
Graffiti 2 Preferences screen 131
Graffiti 2 ShortCuts 38
backing up 147
Graffiti handwriting software 32
editing commands for 38
tips for 35
grouping applications 45
handwriting software 32
editing commands for 38
tips for 35
hard resets 152
Headphone Bass preference 58
Headphone Bass setting 143
headphones 15
help 17
Hide Records setting 151
hiding records 81
High Score Service conduits 147
Hold command 57
Hold state 56
Home button 20
Home category 159
Home screen
customizing 45
displaying menus in 45
managing applications from 43
opening 26
overview 24
setting preferences for 47
horizontal orientation (screen) 23
HotSync button 145
HotSync cables 13
HotSync command 147
HotSync connector 21
HotSync Manager
configuring for infrared devices 172
customizing 147
running 145
HotSync operations
creating user profiles for 176
disabling chime tones for 143
initializing 144
IR ports and 171
multiple devices and 175
performing 40
setting defaults for 148
setting options for 146
setting up connections for 13
upgrades and 174
HotSync technology 12
icons 24
displaying alphabetical list of 48
importing data 41
Info command 48
Info dialog box 160
Info screen 48
infrared devices 172
Input Area 26
entering data in 33
Input Area Position setting 131