Palm TapWave Zodiac User Manual
Page 138

S e t t i n g P r e f e r e n c e s
Using Your Zodiac Console 138
Non-ASCII characters
If you know how to write custom scripts with non-ASCII characters, you can
incorporate the caret (^char) character, carriage returns and line feeds, and
literal characters in your custom login scripts.
Use the caret (^ char) character to transmit ASCII command characters.
If you send ^char, and the ASCII value of char is between @ and _, then
the character is automatically translated to a single-byte value
between 0 and 31.
For example, ^M is converted to a carriage return. If char is a value
between a and z, then the character sequence is translated to a single-
byte value between 1 and 26. If char is any other value, then the
character sequence is not subject to any special processing. Thus, the
string “Joe^M” transmits Joe, followed by a carriage return.
You can include carriage return and line feed commands as part of the
login script, when entered in the following format:
For example, the string “waitfor Joe
followed by a carriage return and line feed from the remote computer,
before executing the next command in the script.
You can use the backslash ( \ ) character to specify that the next
character be transmitted as a literal character, and not be subject to
any special processing ordinarily associated with that character. For
\^Includes a caret as part of the string