Important information – Linear DVS-1200 User Manual
Page 44

This Linear product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for twelve (12) months. This warranty extends only to
wholesale customers who buy direct from Linear or through Linear's
normal distribution channels. Linear does not warrant this product to
consumers. Consumers should inquire from their selling dealer as to the
nature of the dealer's warranty, if any. There are no obligations or liabilities
on the part of Linear LLC for consequential damages arising out of or
in connection with use or performance of this product or other indirect
damages with respect to loss of property, revenue, or profi t, or cost
of removal, installation, or reinstallation. All implied warranties, including
implied warranties for merchantability and implied warranties for fi tness, are
valid only until the warranty expires. This Linear LLC Warranty is in lieu of
all other warranties express or implied.
All products returned for warranty service require a Return Product
Authorization Number (RPA#). Contact Linear Technical Services at
1-800-421-1587 for an RPA# and other important details.
Linear radio controls provide a reliable communications link and fi ll an
important need in portable wireless signaling. However, there are some
limitations which must be observed.
✶ For U.S. installations only: The radios are required to comply with
FCC Rules and Regulations as Part 15 devices. As such, they have
limited transmitter power and therefore limited range.
✶ A receiver cannot respond to more than one transmitted signal at a
time and may be blocked by radio signals that occur on or near their
operating frequencies, regardless of code settings.
✶ Changes or modifi cations to the device may void FCC compliance.
✶ Infrequently used radio links should be tested regularly to protect
against undetected interference or fault.
✶ A general knowledge of radio and its vagaries should be gained prior
to acting as a wholesale distributor or dealer, and these facts should
be communicated to the ultimate users.
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed
and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has
been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing
device in accordance with Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to
provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential
installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio
or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
✶ Relocate the Console away from the TV/radio receiver.
✶ Plug the Console into a different wall outlet so that the Console is on
a different branch circuit.
✶ Re-orient the TV/radio antenna.
✶ If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/television technician for additional suggestions.
The FCC requires that this alarm dialer system not make more than 15
repetitive dialing attempts to a single telephone number. There are no
limitations when the calls are made sequentially to two or more alternative
numbers, or when these calls are spaced 10 minutes apart to a single
number. The FCC Rules and Regulations do not specify the re-attempt
period as this can vary for specifi c applications. When setting this period,
take into consideration local, interstate, foreign and special network call
completion characteristics, network processing time, a suffi cient number of
rings and busy/don't answer modes.
For systems that include fi re protection, UL requires that the following
information be available to the users of the system.
✶ Draw up a fl oor plan showing two exits for each room.
The following procedures are to be discussed with the family:
➀ Status of bedroom doors.
➁ Familiarity with alarm signals.
➂ Testing of door during a fi re and use of alternate escape route if door
is hot to touch.
➃ Crawling and holding breath.
➄ Escape fast. No stopping for packing.
➅ Meet at designated outdoor spot.
➆ Emphasize that no one is to return to a burning house.
➇ Fire department notifi cation from a neighbor's phone.
➈ Periodic rehearsal is to be conducted.
NOTICE: The ringer equivalence number (REN) assigned to each terminal
device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed
to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface
may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement
that the sum of the ringer equivalence numbers of all the devices does not
exceed 5.
NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifi es certifi ed equipment. This
certifi cation means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications
network protective, operational and safety requirements. The Department
does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to
be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The
equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection.
The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions
may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certifi ed equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian
maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations
made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give
the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect
the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground
connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water
pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be
particulary important in rural areas.
CAUTION: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves,
but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician,
as appropriate.
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