Kodak DCS600 User Manual

Page 284

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Guide number

The guide number indicates the power of a flash in relation to ISO. Guide numbers,
quoted in either meters or feet, are used to calculate the f/stop for correct exposure
as follows:

guide number
f/stop = ———————————
flash-to-subject distance

Using a selected aperture, we can calculate the required flash-to-subject distance
with the formula:

guide number
flash-to-subject distance = ———————

Useful for determining the maximum flash-to-subject distance for flash


The image histogram shows the range and distribution of tonal values for an image.
The histogram displays the number of occurrences of each pixel code value, and
can be used to assess an image's brightness and contrast levels. Pixel code values
represent the relative value of light intensities in a scene. They range from 0
(darkest elements in a scene) to 255 (brightest elements in a scene). For a high
contrast image, the histogram will include almost the entire range of pixel code
values. For a low contrast image, the histogram will include a small range of pixel
code values.


ISO is the international standard for representing film sensitivity. The higher the
number, the greater the sensitivity, and vice versa. For example, ISO 200 is twice
as sensitive as ISO 100, and half that of ISO 400. When you change the ISO setting
on your camera, you adjust the sensitivity of the imager equivalent to the
corresponding film sensitivity.


Liquid Crystal Display. Your camera has four: the Top Status LCD panel, Back
Status LCD panel, Image LCD panel, and the LCD inside the viewfinder.