About this manual, The owner’s manuals and how to use them, Conventions in this manual – KORG OASYS musical instruments User Manual
Page 6

About this manual
The owner’s manuals and how to use them
The OASYS includes two owner’s manuals:
• Operation Guide
• Parameter Guide
Both manuals are available as PDFs on Restore CD 1/4,
and are included in the on-board Help system. A printed
version of the Operation Guide is also included.
Operation Guide
Please read this first. It explains the names and functions
of each part of the OASYS, how to make connections,
basic operation, an overview of each mode, how to edit
sounds, how to record on the sequencer, and how to
sample. This guide also explains the KARMA function,
effects, wave sequences, and drum kits.
The Operation Guide also contains troubleshooting
information, and supplemental information such as
Parameter Guide
The Parameter Guide contains explanations and other
information regarding the operations of the parameters
and settings on the OASYS.
The explanations are organized by mode and page.
Separate Effects and KARMA sections include
explanations of the individual parameters of each effect
and each KARMA GE.
Refer to this guide when an unfamiliar parameter
appears in the display, or when you need to know more
about a particular function.
The Parameter Guide also contains a
Voice Name List
that lists the multisamples, drum samples, combinations,
programs, drum kits, and KARMA settings that are in
the OASYS when it is shipped from the factory.
PDF versions
The OASYS PDF manuals are designed for easy
navigation and searching. They include extensive PDF
contents information, which generally appears on the
side of the window in your PDF reader and lets you
jump quickly to a specific section. All cross-references are
hyper-links, so that clicking on them automatically takes
you to the source of the reference.
On-board Help system*
The HELP button gives you built-in, context-sensitive
access to the user manuals, right from the front panel.
For information on any front-panel button, knob, slider,
or real-time controller, just hold down HELP and then
press the button or move the controller in question.
For information on the current LCD page, press and
release the HELP button.
While the help page is on the screen, you can touch any
of the on-screen links (hilighted in blue text) for more
information. You can scroll through the text by using the
on-screen scroll bars, pressing the Inc and Dec buttons, or
spinning the Value dial.
The top of the Help page has “breadcrumb” links, which
show the hierarchy of pages above the current one.
Touch any of these links to jump to the corresponding
The backwards and forwards buttons function like the
similar buttons on a standard web browser. If you use
links to jump between pages, you can then use the
backwards and forwards buttons to move through the
pages you’ve already viewed.
The Contents page lets you access any part of the Help
system, including almost all of the text and graphics in
both the Parameter and Operation Guides. The Index
contains a shorter list of links to important articles.
*English-language only.
Conventions in this manual
References to the OASYS
The OASYS is available as an 88-key model or a 76-key
model. The manuals refer to both models without
distinction as “the OASYS.” The front panel and rear
panel illustrations in the manual show the 76-key model,
but they apply identically to the 88-key model.
Abbreviations for the manuals: OG, PG, VNL
In the documentation, references to the manuals are
abbreviated as follows.
Operation Guide
Parameter Guide
The Voice Name List, included in the Parameter
Procedure steps 1. 2. 3. …
These indicate the steps of a procedure.
Symbols , ,
These symbols respectively indicate a caution, a MIDI-
related explanation, a supplementary note, or a tip.
Example screen displays
The parameter values shown in the example screens of
this manual are only for explanatory purposes, and may
not necessary match the values that appear in the LCD
screen of your instrument.
MIDI-related explanations
CC# is an abbreviation for Control Change Number.
In explanations of MIDI messages, numbers in square
brackets [ ] always indicate hexadecimal numbers.
Thank you for purchasing the Korg OASYS Open Architecture Synthesis Studio. To help you get the most out of your
new instrument, please read this manual carefully.