IBM HANDBOOK 260 User Manual
Page 243

Hints and Tips
Welcome to the Base Operating System Installation and Maintenance
screen is displayed.
1. Select 3. Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery option from the
installation main menu.
2. Select the Install from a System Backup option.
3. Select the drive containing the backup tape and insert the tape.
The system reads the tape and begins the installation.
You will be prompted again for the BOS install language, and the Welcome
screen is displayed. Continue with the Prompted Installation. Cloning is
not supported in a non-prompted installation.
4. If you are cloning from the product CD, do not remove the CD from the
CD-ROM drive.
a. Booting from tape product media is not supported on rspc platform
systems. You must use CD product media. To determine what your
platform system is, enter the following command:
# bootinfo -p
a. If you are cloning from the product tape, create a diskette that contains
a ./ file with
in the control_flow
stanza if this was not set prior to making the mksysb.
a. If
is set to
, the system will prompt you to
remove the mksysb tape and insert the product tape after the mksysb
cloning has been restored.
Welcome to Base Operating System
Installation and Maintenance
Type the number of your choice and press ENTER.
1. Start Installation Now with Default Settings
2. Change/Show Installation Settings and Install
3. Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery
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