3 sms ascii main menu, 4 sms firmware update, 3 sms ascii main menu 6.7.4 sms firmware update – IBM HANDBOOK 260 User Manual
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RS/6000 43P 7043 Models 150 and 260 Handbook
6.7.3 SMS ASCII Main Menu
The ASCII version of the System Management Services includes an
additional function in the main menu not found in the graphical version. The
following languages are supported:
• English
• French
• German
• Italian
• Spanish
• Swedish
All menus and options, as well as the button titles, have been translated. Your
ACSII terminal must support the ISO8859-1 character set in order to properly
display languages other than English.
ACSII Terminal Settings
If you have a graphics adapter in your system, then System Management
Services will only display information using that adapter. If you have an ASCII
terminal attached and have a graphics adapter installed, nothing will be
displayed on the ASCII terminal during the firmware boot process. To be able
to use the ASCII terminal to access System Management Services, you will
have to physically remove the graphics adapter from the system. If there are
no terminals or graphics adapters attached, the system will still be able to
boot up.
If you are using an ASCII terminal, the following parameters should be used:
• 9600 baud
• 8-bit
• No parity
• 1 stop bit
• 24 lines by 80 columns
• Echo mode on
6.7.4 SMS Firmware Update
There are several situations where a firmware update may be required. For
example, an update may be required after a field EC (engineering change) to
provide firmware support for new adapters and peripherials or to enhance
functions for existing peripherials.