IBM HANDBOOK 260 User Manual
Page 181

Diagnostics and System Management Services
• Configure Remote Maintenance Policy:
This policy includes modem configurations and phone numbers to use for
remote maintenance support.
• Configure Ring Indicate Power-On Policy:
This service aid allows you to power-on a system by telephone from a
remote location (runs only on CHRP/RPA system units).
• Configure Surveillance Policy:
This task monitors the system for hang conditions, that is, hardware or
software failures that cause operating system inactivity.
• Create Customized Configuration Diskette:
A Stand-alone Diagnostic Package Configuration Diskette is created in
order to change the default refresh rate for an LFT from the console.
• Delete Resource from Resource List:
Use this task to delete resources from the resource list.
• Disk Maintenance:
You can make a disk to disk copy to another SCSI drive of similar size, as
well as display and alter information on disk sectors.
• Display Configuration and Resource List:
This service aid displays the item header only for all installed resources.
• Display Firmware Device Node Information:
This task displays the firmware device node information that appears on
CHRP/RPA platforms.
• Display Hardware Error Report:
A tool for viewing the hardware error log is provided.
• Display Hardware Vital Product Data:
This service aid displays all installed resources, along with any VPD for
those resources.
• Display Microcode Level:
The current level of microcode on an adapter or device can be displayed.
• Display or Change Bootlist:
This service aid allows the bootlist to be displayed, altered, or erased.