Gatekeeper specific configuration – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual

Page 98

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The server uses built-in default values for these settings, but if the environment variables can be found in
the server's environment, the server uses those values. The following is a list of the names of the
variables and the aspects of the server's operation they control. Since the environment is common to all
sub-systems, all Core Servers in an HPSS installation are subject to these values.

HPSS_MAX_NUM_OPEN_FILES_FOR_AGGR – Adjusts the maximum number of files that may be
open by the Core Server when it is assembling migration file aggregates. If this variable is not present in
the environment, the server's default value is 20000.

HPSS_SPEC_USER_LIST_LENGTH – Adjusts the length of the Core Server's internal list of users
who have delete only permission in AUTHZACL table. If this variable is not present in the environment,
the server's default value is 8.

HPSS_RESTRICTED_USER_FILE – Contains the pathname of a file that contains the list of
restricted users. If this variable is not present in the environment, the server does not implement this

HPSS_CORE_REPACK_OUTPUT – Enables or disables the repack output segregation feature. If this
environment variable is not present in the environment, or has the value “on”, files moved from one tape
virtual volume to another by repack will be written to tapes that contain only files written by the repack.
If this environment variable has the value “off”, files moved from one tape virtual volume to another by
repack may mixed on output tapes with files written by the migration subsystem, or directly to tape by

HPSS_CORE_SEG_CACHE_IDLE_TIME – Adjusts the time, in seconds, a disk or tape storage
segment can remain idle in the Core Server's in-memory cache before being purged. If this variable is not
present in the environment, the server's default value is 60 seconds.

HPSS_CORE_TAPE_CACHE_IDLE_TIME – Adjusts the time, in seconds, a tape's in-memory cache
entries can remain idle before being purged. This value controls the tape storage map, VV and PV
caches. If this variable is not present in the environment, the server's default value is 300.

HPSS_CORE_LARGE_SEG_THRESHOLD – Controls the way tape storage space is allocated when
large tape storage segments are “repacked” from one tape virtual volume to another. The value of this
environment variable is a time, measured in seconds. If the segment to be moved would take longer to
move than this time threshold, then the segment is moved to a tape VV that apparently has sufficient free
space. If the segment will take less time to move than this threshold, then the segment is moved to any
available tape, subject to the rules defined by HPSS_CORE_REPACK_OUTPUT. The server's default
value is 30 seconds. The server uses the Transfer Rate information from the Storage Class when
estimating the time a segment will take to move.

5.1.2. Gatekeeper Specific Configuration

To use a Gatekeeper for Gatekeeping Services the Gatekeeper must be configured into one or more
Storage Subsystems (see Section 4.2.3: Storage Subsystem Configuration Window on page 76). To
associate a Gatekeeper with a storage subsystem, the Gatekeeper must be selected on the Storage
Subsystem Configuration window.

To use the Gatekeeper for Account Validation Services, Account Validation must be enabled in the
Accounting Policy (see Section 13.2: Accounting on page 330). If Account Validation is configured to be
ON, then at least one Gatekeeper must be configured even if the site does not wish to do gatekeeping. In
this case, the Gatekeeper will only be used for validating accounts. Otherwise a Gatekeeper may be used

HPSS Management Guide

November 2009

Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)