Client api – pre-requisite – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual

Page 348

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% rmmod hpssfs

# this ensures that there isn't a pre-existing

module loaded

% modprobe hpssfs
% make config
% MAKEDEV hpssfs
% /sbin/chkconfig –add hpssfs

Build and install the application daemon by following the instructions given by the build-help target of
the makefile in the directory above this one.

% cd /opt/hpss/src/fs

Follow the instructions reported by issuing:

% make build-help

Build the HPSS VFS Daemon.

% make

Install the HPSS VFS Daemon.

% make install

When complete, verify that the following VFS interface components are installed in the following

HPSS VFS Kernel Module: /lib/modules//kernel/fs/hpssfs/hpssfs.ko

HPSS VFS Device Special File: /dev/hpssfs0

HPSS VFS Daemon: /sbin/hpssfsd

HPSS VFS Mount Helper: /sbin/mount.hpssfs Client API – Pre-Requisite

VFS is dependent upon the HPSS Client API being installed, and configured, first. It is recommended
that the HPSS Client API be installed/configured, then tested using an API based tool/program like
‘scrub’, example code (as supplied by the deployment/support team), or other HPSS Client API based
applications before attempting to install/use VFS itself. Verifying that the HPSS Client API is working
correctly will eliminate it as a possible problem if VFS troubleshooting becomes necessary.

Create the following directories on the VFS machine:

% mkdir /var/hpss/etc

HPSS Management Guide

November 2009

Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)