Preface – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual

Page 13

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Who Should Read This Book

The HPSS Management Guide is intended as a resource for HPSS administrators. For those performing the initial
configuration for a new HPSS system, Chapter 1 provides a configuration roadmap. For both new systems and those
upgraded from a previous release, Chapter 1 provides a configuration, operational, and performance checklist which
should be consulted before bringing the system into production. The remaining chapters contain the details for
configuring, reconfiguring, monitoring, and managing an HPSS system.

Conventions Used in This Book

Example commands that should be typed at a command line will be proceeded by a percent sign (‘


’) and be

presented in a boldface courier font:

% sample command

Any text preceded by a pound sign (‘


’) should be considered comment lines:

# This is a comment

Angle brackets (‘<>’) denote a required argument for a command:

% sample command

Square brackets (‘[]’) denote an optional argument for a command:

% sample command [optional argument]

Vertical bars (‘|’) denote different choices within an argument:

% sample command

A byte is an eight bit data octet. A kilobyte, KB, is 1024 bytes (2


bytes). A megabyte, MB, is 1048576

bytes (2


bytes). A gigabyte, GB, is 1073741824 bytes (2


bytes), a terabyte, TB, is 1099511627776

bytes (2


bytes), and a petabyte, PB, is 1125899906842624 bytes (2



HPSS Management Guide

November 2009

Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)