Pvr cartridge information window – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual
Page 265

Unallocated. The volume has been successfully imported into the HPSS system and labeled.
However, no storage resources have been created on it and it has not been allocated to a Core
Server. It is therefore not available to the system for I/O.
Allocated - On Shelf. Storage resources have been created on the volume, it is assigned to a Core
Server, and it is available to the system. However, it has been removed from the tape robot (to a
vault, for example), so there will be a delay for any mount operation while the volume is returned
to the robot.
Unlabeled. An error occurred during the mount/label operation during import. A volume in this
state is not usable by HPSS. It should be exported and re-imported.
Allocated - No Shelf Info. The volume has been allocated to a Core Server and is available to the
system for I/O, but no shelf information is available because the PVL can not communicate with
the PVR.
Volume Type. The HPSS media type corresponding to this volume.
Label Format. The type of label on the volume. Possible values are:
HPSS - The volume has an ANSI label (it starts with an 80-byte block beginning with the
characters "VOL1"). The owner field of the label contains "HPSS".
Foreign - The volume has an ANSI label, but the owner field is something other than "HPSS".
None - The volume has no label. A volume in this state is not usable by HPSS. It should be
exported and re-imported.
Data - The volume is an uninitialized tape.
NonANSI - The label is an 80 byte non-ANSI record.
NSL - The volume has a NSL label format (80 byte record w/o EOF).
Unknown - The label of the volume failed. Status of label unknown.
Operational State. This will always be Enabled.
Usage State. Busy if the volume is in use; Idle otherwise.
Administrative State. This will always be Unlocked.
Cartridge ID. The six-character cartridge label for the volume.
Comment. This field provides a 128 character buffer in the PVL volume metadata which gives the
administrator the opportunity to associate miscellaneous text with a volume. For example, a site may
want to place a comment in this field that the volume (cartridge or disk) is out of service.
8.5.3. PVR Cartridge Information Window
The PVR Cartridge Information window allows the SSM user to view the data about a cartridge managed
by one of the HPSS PVRs.
Before using the window, the user should know the 6-character label of the cartridge. The dumppv_pvr
utility can be used to list all the cartridges being managed by the PVR and help determine the label.
HPSS Management Guide
November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)