Shutting down all hpss servers, Halting an hpss server, Shutting down the ssm server – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual
Page 152

window for the “Server Terminated” event.
The HPSS Startup Daemon(s) and the SSM System Manager cannot be shut down from the
Servers window. Select System Manager from the Shutdown submenu of the Operations menu
of the Health and Status window to shut down the System Manager. Use the rc.hpss script stop
option to shut down either the System Manager or the Startup Daemon.
Servers may not terminate immediately since they may wait for pending operations to complete before
terminating. Monitor the Alarms and Events window for possible notifications of delay from the server.
In addition, monitor the Servers window for the server’s shut down status. If an immediate shut down is
required, use the Force Halt operation described in Section 5.1.3: Halting an HPSS Server on page 152.
SSM must have a connection to the startup daemon associated with the server or the shutdown operation
will fail.
5.1.2. Shutting Down All HPSS Servers
Most HPSS servers (all but SSM and the Startup Daemon) can be shut down by selecting Shut Down All
Non-SSM Servers from the Shutdown submenu of the Operations menu. SSM will process this request
similarly to the Shutdown Server request issued from the Servers window.
This feature is useful when the entire HPSS system must be shut down, leaving SSM up to monitor the
server shut down process. When the servers are down, the SSM server and sessions can be shut down by
selecting System Manager from the Shutdown submenu of the Operations menu. The SSM client
sessions will detect that the SSM System Manager has been shutdown and will then inform the user of
the event.
5.1.3. Halting an HPSS Server
Halting an HPSS server stops it without giving it an opportunity to shut down gracefully. When the
command is received by the server, the server simply terminates immediately without doing any of its
normal shutdown processing. It should be used only if it is necessary to shut down the server as quickly
as possible or if attempts to shut the server down using the Shutdown button have failed.
One or more HPSS servers can be halted in a single request. SSM will issue a request to each selected
server's Startup Daemon to issue a SIGKILL signal to its HPSS server.
To initiate the request, select the desired server(s) on the Servers window and click on the Force Halt
button. SSM will confirm the request through a pop-up window. Verify the result of the request in the
status bar on the Servers window. In addition, monitor the Alarms and Events window for the “Server
Halted” alarm.
The HPSS Startup Daemon(s) and the SSM System Manager cannot be halted from the Servers window.
SSM must have a connection to the Startup Daemon associated with the server or the Halt Server
operation may fail.
5.1.4. Shutting Down the SSM Server
To shutdown the SSM server, select System Manager from the Shutdown submenu of the Operation
menu on the HPSS Health and Status window. All SSM user sessions, including graphical and
HPSS Management Guide
November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)