IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual
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write operations between cache invalidates. The default value is 20.
HPSS_API_HOSTNAME specifies the hostname to be used for TCP/IP listen ports created by the
Client API. The default value is HPSS_HOST. This value can have a significant impact on data transfer
performance for data transfers that are handled by the Client API (i.e., those that use the hpss_Read and
hpss_Write interfaces). The default is HPSS_HOST.
HPSS_API_LIMITED_RETRIES specifies the number of retry attempts before a limited retry error
operation fails. Currently, no operations are defined as "limited retry error operations". The default value
is 1.
HPSS_API_MAX_CONN specifies the number of connections that are supported by the Client API
within a single client process. If HPSS_API_MAX_CONN is set to zero, the number of connections is
equal to the default supported by the HPSS connection management software - currently 20. If
HPSS_API_MAX_CONN is nonzero, it is the number of connections to be used.
HPSS_API_RETRIES specifies the number of retries to attempt when an operation fails. Currently this
class of operation includes library initialization and communications failures. A value of zero indicates
that no retries are to be performed (i.e., the operation will be attempted once), and value of -1 indicates
that the operation will be retried until successful. The default value is 4 (meaning the operation will be
attempted up to five times).
HPSS_API_RETRY_STAGE_INP specifies whether retries are attempted on attempts to open files in a
Class of Service that is configured for background staging on open. A numeric, non-zero value (the
default) indicates that opens which would return -EINPROGRESS to indicate that the file is being
staged will be retried (using HPSS_API_RETRIES and HPSS_API_BUSY_DELAY to control the
number and timing of retries), while a value of zero indicates that the -EINPROGRESS return code will
be returned to the client. The default value is "1".
HPSS_API_REUSE_CONNECTIONS specifies whether TCP/IP connections are to be left open as
long as a file is open or are to be closed after each read or write request. A numeric, non-zero value will
cause connections to remain open, while a value of zero will cause connections to be closed after each
file access. The default value is zero.
HPSS_API_RPC_PROT_LEVEL specifies the RPC protection level. Valid values are “connect”,
“packet”, “packet integrity”, and “packet privacy”. The default is HPSS_RPC_PROT_LEVEL.
HPSS_API_SAN_3P specifies whether to enable SAN3P transfers. Valid values are “on” an d “off”.
The default is on.
HPSS_API_SITE_NAME specifies the site name to be used when initializing the HPSS security
services. The default value is HPSS_SITE_NAME .
HPSS_API_TOTAL_DELAY specifies the number of seconds to continue retrying requests. A value of
zero indicates that no there is no time limit. The default value is zero.
HPSS_API_USE_PORT_RANGE specifies whether the HPSS Mover(s) should use the configured port
range when making TCP/IP connections for read and write requests. A numeric, non- zero value will
cause Movers to use the port range, while a value of zero will cause Movers to allow the operating
system to select the port number. The default value is zero.
HPSS_KRB5_KEYTAB_FILE specifies the name of the file containing the security keys necessary for
successfully initializing the Client API for Kerberos authentication. The default is auth_keytab:/var/hpss/
HPSS Management Guide
November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)