Audit policy – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual

Page 94

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Authenticator. The argument passed to the authentication mechanism indicated by the
Authenticator Type configuration variable and used to validate communications. If it is a
keytab, the server must have read access to the keytab file. Other access permissions should not
be set on this file or security can be breached. For the Not Configured or None values of the
Authenticator Type, this field can be left blank. Audit Policy

HPSS security provides a log for certain security related events such as a change in an object's
permissions, a change in an object's owner, a change of an object's name, a failed attempt to access an
object, and several others (see Field Descriptions below for a complete list). A server's Audit Policy
controls which of these events trigger log messages. It can be configured from the Audit Policy tab of the
Server Configuration window. It is possible to request that only failures or both successes and failures be

For each audit event type, selecting Failure causes only failures to be logged, selecting Total logs every
audit event of that type, and selecting neither causes nothing to be logged. Selecting both has the same
effect as selecting Total.

Currently the only server which generates security object event records other than AUTH is the Core

For more information on auditing, see the HPSS Installation Guide, Section Security Audit.

The Audit Policy section of the Server Configuration window is common to all servers. In the example
window above, the server displayed is a Core Server.

Field Descriptions

AUTH. Authentication events.

CHMOD. Core Server object permission events.

CHOWN. Core Server object owner events.

CREATE. Core Server creation events.

LINK. Core Server hard link creation events.

MKDIR. Core Server directory creation events.

OPEN. Core Server bitfile open events.

RENAME. Core Server object rename events.

RMDIR. Core Server directory remove events.

UNLINK. Core Server object delete events.

HPSS Management Guide

November 2009

Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)