Common window elements – IBM RELEASE 7.3 User Manual

Page 50

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Select/cut/copy/paste operations can be performed on enterable text fields; on non-enterable
fields, only select and copy operations can be performed.

In some cases, modifying a field value or pressing a button causes the action to be performed
immediately. A confirmation window will pop up to inform the user that all changes made to the
data window will be processed if the user wishes to continue. If the user selects ‘No’ on the
confirmation window, the request will not be processed and any field modifications to the
window will continue to be displayed. Some examples are changes to the Administrative State
field, pressing the Gatekeeper's Read Site Policy button, and selecting an entry from the MPS
Storage Class Information Control
combo box.

3.6. Common Window Elements

Certain SSM buttons and toggle boxes have the same behavior on all SSM windows. Descriptions for
these common elements are given below and are not repeated for each window:

Time Created by System Manager field - The last time the System Manager created the
structure for this window.

Time Updated by System Manager field - The last time the System Manager updated the data
for this window.

Time Received by Client field - The last time the SSM client received an update for this window
from the System Manager.

Dismiss button - Closes the current SSM window.

Add button – The Add button is displayed on configuration windows when a new configuration
record is being created. After the configuration fields are appropriately completed, click the Add
button to save the data and create the new record. When the Add operation is not permitted, the
Add button will not be displayed or will appear gray in color.

Update button – The Update button is displayed on configuration windows when an existing
record is being modified. After the configuration's fields have been modified, click the Update
button to save the modifications. When the update operation is not permitted, the Update button
will not be displayed or will appear gray in color.

Delete button – The Delete button is displayed on configuration windows of existing records.
Click the Delete button only when the current record is no longer needed and any dependent
records have also been deleted. When the Delete operation is not permitted, the Delete button
will not be displayed or will appear gray in color.

Start Over button - Resets the current values in a configuration window to the values used when
the window was first opened.

Start New button - Replace the contents of the current configuration window with a new
configuration of the same type as the one being viewed. The new configuration’s initial values
will contain defaults.

Clone (partial) button - Replace the contents of the current window with a new configuration
using some of the current configuration’s field values.

Clone (full) button - Replace the contents of the current window with a new configuration using

HPSS Management Guide

November 2009

Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0)